Hello. My flash is broken at the moment, and what with it still being quite grey and dark every day, I've been getting some quite fuzzy images recently. Anyways, I whipped in an 800 speed film on the off-chance that my pictures might get a bit less blurry, and the difference in shutter speed has been fantastic. Here's a couple I took in Soho .... normally in this kind of light with a 200 film, my camera would click to start the exposure, I'd have to hold very steady, and then it would click again, having taken the picture. With the 800, its been a click and done. Which, when sans flash, is useful to have around. Going to see how a 400 film works for me this weekend as not been able to track down any 800 in Balham, but we'll see how they come out. Ax
Saturday, 6 March 2010
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